Caring for Your Hunting Dog's Teeth and Ears
Publicado por juan fernando delgado valenzuela en
Teeth: Many owners do not understand the value of caring for their dog's teeth. As dogs age, the propensity for dental distress increases. The best way to ensure proper dental condition for your dog is to start while he is a pup. Most dogs do not like their mouths touched. It is important for you, as an owner, to get the pup used to being handled at a very young age. At most veterinarian visits the mouth needs to be inspected. You want to make it easy for the vet to perform his examination. The best way for you to...
What Do You Need to Know About Hospice Care For Dogs?
Publicado por juan fernando delgado valenzuela en
Whether you have had your dog for his entire life, or you have adopted him as an older animal, you will find that there comes a time when he might be growing more and more uncomfortable with his body. An important part of pet owning is being there for your animal when he is growing old or ill, and if you want to make sure that he is comfortable, you need to look at the options that are open to you. A dog can live in immense discomfort and pain, but if you love him, you need to think...